It is with wholehearted enthusiasm I offer my endorsement of Rita Russell for another term as Councilwoman for the City of Englewood, Colorado.
Rita has been a voice of common sense for as long as I’ve known her. I’ve watched Rita and how she responds to many different situations. Rita has always impressed me with her ability to patiently wait and listen before she forms answers and conclusions.
Bev Maes, Englewood Citizen
We have been acquainted with Rita Russell for over forty years. We are pleased that someone of her intelligence, abilities and communication skills is willing to represent us on the city council of Englewood.

Rita Russell is a good representative and takes seriously the work that being on the city council requires. We hope that those of you who want a well-run city and one that is held responsible how “the money” is being spent will vote for Rita.
Jeff and Janet Gorman, Englewood Citizens
Englewood Needs Rita Russell
Rita Russell continuously works hard to represent the Citizens of Englewood. Her attendance at City Council Meetings, Study Sessions and Mayor Manager Meetings is excellent and she comes well prepared to address each agenda. Every vote she casts is the result of hours of personal investigation, citizen input and a deep concern for the future of Englewood and always done with respect for the tax payers she represents. She is independent and not afraid to stand alone in her beliefs if necessary.
Rita is the most “accessible” member on this current City Council whether you contact her by phone, e-mail or in person. She makes herself available to meet at least twice a month with any interested citizens – both in am and pm to accommodate the schedules of citizens. These informal meetings allow us to hear updates on happenings in our City and sharing of ideas and concerns on any topic. The atmosphere is respectful and educational. Rita has sincerely fostered the inclusion of every Englewood resident in government decision and her example should be followed by all council members.
Maureen White, Englewood citizen
Dear Englewood Citizens,
I encourage you to please support and vote for Rita Russell for the At-Large Candidate Position for Englewood City Council. As an Englewood voting citizen and resident of Englewood for 65 years, I would like to share my own experience with you concerning Rita Russell.
Rita is a person of very high integrity and takes the responsibility as a council person to work for all the Englewood Citizens and does not pick and choose. She realizes the responsibility of city council persons are to be nonpartisan and she takes that seriously.
With Rita’s knowledge and experience sitting on the council for the past four years, Rita is prepared by reading the Weekly Packet and addressing the many issues that come before council, as this is the duty and responsibility of all council members!!
Rita has been excellent for our city. She knows how to deal with the issues and works collaboratively to get her point across respectfully. Rita is the best candidate to represent the interests of our city’s homeowners by regularly holding town hall meetings and also morning coffees to get citizens view points, and inputs. By participating in citizens views and input, citizens trust her and feel they have a friend that is looking out for both the citizens view and the City of Englewood. If she does not have an answer for a specific question, she will look into it and find the answer.
Again, I encourage you to please support and vote for Rita Russell for the at-large position for the Englewood City Council election in November.
Ida May Nicholl, Englewood Citizen

I met Rita Russell by the conventional political route. She rang my doorbell, introduced herself, and said she was running for City Council. Then she did something unique in my experience with candidates: she asked me for my opinion on something. I was so startled I don’t remember exactly what it was, but I do recall that it sparked a 20-minute conversation that ended with me asking if I could have one of her signs for my front yard.
That was Rita then, and that is Rita now: more interested in listening than in seeking to impress; friendly and down-to-earth; anxious to do anything she can to make Englewood an even better place to live; deeply sympathetic to any form of suffering; and always well-informed, yet eager to hear all sides before making a decision on any issue.
Since May, 2018, I have watched all public City Council meetings and study sessions, either in person or via live stream. What has impressed me most about Rita is her consistency. She is committed to openness and transparency and does not hesitate to ask difficult questions, even when she knows it may make her unpopular with those who go along to get along. She is a constant advocate for her constituents, making certain their views are made known even if they are not mainstream and even if she disagrees with them. She has common sense and an ability to prioritize, while others seem to want everything at once. She also knows how to say “no” and has the courage to do so when she believes it is better for Englewood than “yes.”
I believe Englewood’s future is at stake in the coming election. Taxes disguised as “fees” are going to skyrocket to pay for long overdue repairs of an inadequate and decaying drainage system. Citizens and City Government may both have to trim their budgets. And, unless restrained by our City Council, developers who neither live here nor comprehend Englewood’s uniqueness will continue to gobble up our land, increasing our population density, defacing our neighborhoods, snarling traffic, and demanding more and more of an already overburdened infrastructure.
I regard the re-election of Rita Russell as essential to the survival of the city I have lived in and loved for over 46 years. Rita has proved that she has the common sense and courage to confront challenges and find rational solutions.
Gerry Allan, Englewood District 3
Rita Russell has been one of the best City Council members I have known since I began paying attention in 2003. She reads the background information and asks questions. She really cares about our city.
She has held monthly meetings with us for the whole time she has been there. She really wants all of us to know what is going on and what is proposed.
For 6 months in 2018, she was the mayor when Joe Jefferson became the municipal judge and did a good job. The meetings were orderly and efficient and good things got done.
She has lived in Englewood most of her life and has seen it grow up. She cares about preserving our history and really wants thoughtful growth.
I recommend we re-elect Rita Russell in the upcoming election.
Doug Cohn, Englewood Citizen
I endorse Rita Russell for Englewood City Council At Large with confidence. Rita works to promote openness in city governance by having meetings with Englewood residents three times a month at locations throughout Englewood. Rita also holds meetings at the Simon Center to include Englewood residents who cannot travel to her. During these meetings Rita Russell informs residents of the ongoing issues before City Council, both issues up for immediate approval by City Council and those issues that are in the works. Rita takes the time to explain the details of the issues that impact Englewood. Residents are also able to talk with Rita one-on-one and bring up their own issues.
During her term as Council Member, Rita Russell has served on several committees: as liaison on the Code Enforcement Advisory Committee and the Budget Advisory Committee. Rita Russell also serves on the Malley Center Trust Fund board and the Non-Emergency Employee Retirement Board. To keep abreast of developments in housing, Rita also attends routine meetings on the Englewood Housing Authority.
Rita also serves as Mayor Pro Tem, attending the weekly Mayor/City Manager meeting to set the agenda for City Council meetings. As Mayor Pro Tem, Rita also chairs City Council meetings and performs other official duties when the Mayor is unavailable.
For four years, Rita Russell has responded to emails and phone calls directly with researched answers and often works with people inside the Englewood government to get help for residents. Rita is respectful of resident’s concerns and she works to communicate how the process of governance in Englewood works.
I am confident that Rita Russell is committed to working to meet the changing needs of Englewood Citizens. I am also impressed with her restraint in the face of aggressive opposition to open governance.
Rita Russell does the work with integrity.
Cynthia R. Searfoss, Englewood Citizen
Rita grew up in Englewood, as did I. She went to Maddox, Cherrelyn, Sinclair and Englewood High School. I went to Charles Hay and Flood and met Rita in high school where we became good friends. She was a very good student; she was smart, dedicated, hard-working, friendly and involved, just as she is now. Some things in life don’t change.
The city of Englewood is now benefitting from those same excellent qualities, intelligence, character and integrity. As Mayor Pro Tem, Rita dedicates an enormous amount of time and energy working hard for Englewood and its citizens. She thoroughly reads the information provided to her about important issues facing Englewood and comes to every City Council meeting and study session prepared; she listens and communicates well and offers thoughtful questions, ideas and concerns.
In addition to the many assets that Mayor Pro Tem brings to Englewood is the distinction of her four years of experience on City Council. Experience matters, and it brings with it that much more benefit and value, more insight and vision to successfully plan ahead for Englewood’s future.
Julie Klusener, Englewood Citizen